Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Little Things

It's been a while since I have posted. I have had a lot going on and have found it difficult to focus on this enough to write something worth reading. I am trying not to get discouraged by what has and has not progressed as far as the property. But we have had a few worth while successes. 

We have been collecting between 7 and 9 eggs a day, and we are hoping that the rest of the girls start laying daily soon. The other day Naaman was running around in the Ranger and a chicken dive bombed in front of him. So we had some fresh meat that night, and we are down to 11 chickens. We have not decided if we are going to buy another girl so we will get a solid dozen eggs a day, or if we will get a rooster so we can start raising chicks. Or if we will just keep the 11 girls for now. 
Tonight we also plan on building a chicken run so they can have room to explore and get bugs without getting into our garden or anywhere else. Our neighbors, a couple hundred feet away, have called to let me know my chickens were in their yard. So I want to keep our free range chickens slightly more confined. 

Last night we finally planted our garden. We decided to buy small plants, instead of growing from seeds. So we got different types of tomatoes, peppers, squash, and herbs. Plus a few mystery plants that survived from when we tried growing from seeds a few months ago. It might be too late in the year for planting some of these, but that is okay! I need to remind myself that since we are at the beginning of this journey, this year is mainly about learning. I need to be thankful for what works, and learn from what doesn't. 
I also bought some celery and as I was cutting it up, I decided to try to grow some. So I put the bottom section in a glass with some water and we are very impressed with how fast it is growing. It's the little things like that that encourages us. 

God has been trying to speak to me, but my stubbornness and busy life with my "plans" have been keeping my mind too loud to hear Him. I need to start taking time every single day to put everything else aside and just pray. No cell phone, no chores, and no children. As selfish as that sounds, I need to remember that I can't be the mother that they need if I don't take time to have a relationship with God. He can show me how to live if I just listen. 

"He says, 'Be still and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.'"
Psalm 46:10

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Keep on working

This weekend we are planning on tilling and planting our garden. We have it staked out and the grass is dead, so everything is ready for the next step! After we till it we are going to plant the small plants we started in pots a few weeks ago, and plant some seeds. As I was watering last night I noticed that some of our squash plants were starting to flower! That made me super excited! Then today I watched a chicken peck a flower off and eat it. So now I know that we are going to have to fence in our garden to keep the girls out. 

As I have said before, God is providing us with everything that we need. Last week He led us to the job that He wanted Naaman to take. It's a job that he enjoys doing and he is very good at. The hours aren't ridiculous and the people are pleasant. We are excited to see what He has in store for us with this company. 

I have been playing with some recipes for gluten free scones. I have found a great base recipe that I have successfully altered for various flavors. It's been very encouraging to have the recipes turn out as well as they have. I want to continue trying other recipes such as cookies and cakes, and substituting the flour for Bob's Red Mill 1-1. It's been a great product for me so far with delicious results. I have yet to find a good yeast bread recipe, but I am not giving up! If any of you have a great gluten free yeast bread recipe that has worked for you, I would love to hear about it!

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."
2 Chronicles 15:7