Sunday, February 25, 2018

Learning to trust

Since we are still at the beginning of starting this farm, there isn't a whole lot to talk about every single day. And while we love to cook, some days we have cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and take out for dinner. But I could talk about God all day every day. So that is what I am going to do. Don't worry, I will still talk in great length about the wonderful new developments on the farm and the delicious food we prepare from our home grown ingredients. But I don't want to wait for that to write something inspirational or uplifting. Good food for the body is very important, but God's word as food for the soul is more so. 

I was looking at the scripture references at the back of my Bible for some advice about being worried about money. My husband, Naaman, and I are in the position of trusting God to provide an income for us. Naaman had a job that ran its course and when God told us it was time, we left about a month ago. We did it knowing and trusting that God had something bigger planned. We just kind of expected the next thing to come right away. When in reality, God is teaching us about patience and how to fully trust Him with our lives. Naaman has been asked by people in our church for some help because he has a specific skill set and he is very good at what he does. That has provided us with a little money. Now he's got some military work (he's in the National Guard) set up for the next few weeks, so there is some more. I was very at peace with everything when he left his job because it was such a burden on our family, and I knew that God was making big plans for us. But now I am impatiently waiting for the next door to open. I am getting anxious, something I know I shouldn't do. 

Anyway I was looking for some advice about money, but couldn't find it. Instead, what my eyes kept falling on was "What to read when seeking God's direction". Naaman and I have been trying to figure out the next step with our farm, but with very limited money we feel like there is little we can do. So I read the scriptures, looking for some direction from God. They all repeated the same thing. To submit your life to God and take time to worship Him, more than just once or twice a week at church. It is one thing to profess "I am a Christian", yet an entirely different thing to actually live it. We need to take time to pray. Not just talk to God about what you want or think you need, but be still and quiet and hear what He has to tell you. We need to be thankful for every little thing in our life because He has given it to you. Don't just go to Him with your worries or your troubles, but praise Him on the most beautiful of days. 

I have said it many times, and maybe one of these days it will stick, but I need to live every moment with worship for God. And I want to do it on my farm and use everything that we grow or produce on this farm to praise him. But this time, when we are struggling to find the next road to take, when we aren't sure where the next paycheck is coming from, this is when we need to praise him, too. 

I urge everyone, myself included, to not let situation or emotions cloud our trust in God. God is. No matter what is happening, God is. He is on the throne, He has already won, and He loves you dearly. Now as children of God, we must live like it. Don't write out a list of rules and try to follow them. But when you become a christian, Christ resides in you. You have a new nature, not one of this world. Love as Christ loves, and everything else will fall into place.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27

Thursday, February 22, 2018

My boys

There are many things that I am excited about with beginning our farm. But I think what will be the most rewarding will be watching my children grow up in this lifestyle. They will grow up learning how to work with their hands and literally reap what they sow. They will learn how to build things and how to help each other in various ways, based on their differences. They will learn how to be firm, yet gentle, because that is the best way to approach an animal. (A skill I will have to learn, myself.) Lastly, they will learn how to be strong in their faith and see God all around them. 

We have been blessed with two beautiful boys. Wyatt is two and a half and he's taught me so much. I've learned how to love in ways I never knew I could. I've learned patience that I never knew I had. And I've learned that there is nothing quite like seeing your child thirsty for God's word. He gets very excited when we start talking about what animals we are getting for the farm and loves to help out with the ones we already do have. One of his favorite things to do is get the chicken eggs from the coop. That always makes me nervous because there are a lot of snakes in our area. Luckily, it's a little too cold for them to be out and about right now. 

Liam is just about 6 months old and he brings joy to everyone he's around. He's got the most contagious smile and it's impossible to look at him without seeing the beauty of God's love. Even though he's just a little guy, I see a gentleness in him and I can't wait to see who he grows up to be.

These boys are why we are doing this. We want to give them a firm foundation to stand on. A foundation of faith in our Lord, and of skills that are being forgotten in today's society. To understand that the most rewarding things in this world are accomplished with hard work and prayer. 

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'"
Matthew 19:14

Monday, February 19, 2018

This is me

This blog is going to be a record of the glorious successes and earth shattering failures of starting our little farm. About a year and a half ago my husband and I bought a 6 acre plot of land and put a single wide trailer on it in the hopes to begin our farm. We wanted lots of animals, a garden, a pond, and we thought we didn't have enough land. It wasn't until recently when we watched a video blog of a family who was farming on a single acre of land in the middle of a city that we realized that we were way over thinking the whole process. And it made me realize that maybe I should start this blog. 

So here we are, at the beginning of the whole process. We have a grand total of 4 chickens, because they kept getting eaten by raccoons, and a few little sprouts of vegetables that we started growing about 2 weeks ago. We also have a cow that we plan on milking, but she is not on our property yet because when we got her we were completely unprepared and had no reliable fencing up. So she has been at our close friends and neighbors. 

I will also be talking about another passion of ours, and that is the preparation of delicious food. About 5 years ago I attended a culinary school for patisserie and baking. Within 6 months of graduating I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, forcing me into a gluten free lifestyle. I have since embraced it and have decided to perfect the art of gluten free baking. My husband, who is happily not gluten free, loves to push me out of the kitchen and create his own food. Our dream is to be as self sustaining as possible on our 6 acres, and eventually live completely on the income we make working on the farm. 

Finally, I will finish each post with a Bible verse. Our relationship with God is the most important thing to us and we know that if we walk with faith our Lord will give us exactly what we need to live according to his will. As we work the land that we have been blessed with, we strive to become closer to the maker of the world. 

"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."
Joshua 1:8