Thursday, February 22, 2018

My boys

There are many things that I am excited about with beginning our farm. But I think what will be the most rewarding will be watching my children grow up in this lifestyle. They will grow up learning how to work with their hands and literally reap what they sow. They will learn how to build things and how to help each other in various ways, based on their differences. They will learn how to be firm, yet gentle, because that is the best way to approach an animal. (A skill I will have to learn, myself.) Lastly, they will learn how to be strong in their faith and see God all around them. 

We have been blessed with two beautiful boys. Wyatt is two and a half and he's taught me so much. I've learned how to love in ways I never knew I could. I've learned patience that I never knew I had. And I've learned that there is nothing quite like seeing your child thirsty for God's word. He gets very excited when we start talking about what animals we are getting for the farm and loves to help out with the ones we already do have. One of his favorite things to do is get the chicken eggs from the coop. That always makes me nervous because there are a lot of snakes in our area. Luckily, it's a little too cold for them to be out and about right now. 

Liam is just about 6 months old and he brings joy to everyone he's around. He's got the most contagious smile and it's impossible to look at him without seeing the beauty of God's love. Even though he's just a little guy, I see a gentleness in him and I can't wait to see who he grows up to be.

These boys are why we are doing this. We want to give them a firm foundation to stand on. A foundation of faith in our Lord, and of skills that are being forgotten in today's society. To understand that the most rewarding things in this world are accomplished with hard work and prayer. 

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'"
Matthew 19:14

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