I was looking at the scripture references at the back of my Bible for some advice about being worried about money. My husband, Naaman, and I are in the position of trusting God to provide an income for us. Naaman had a job that ran its course and when God told us it was time, we left about a month ago. We did it knowing and trusting that God had something bigger planned. We just kind of expected the next thing to come right away. When in reality, God is teaching us about patience and how to fully trust Him with our lives. Naaman has been asked by people in our church for some help because he has a specific skill set and he is very good at what he does. That has provided us with a little money. Now he's got some military work (he's in the National Guard) set up for the next few weeks, so there is some more. I was very at peace with everything when he left his job because it was such a burden on our family, and I knew that God was making big plans for us. But now I am impatiently waiting for the next door to open. I am getting anxious, something I know I shouldn't do.
Anyway I was looking for some advice about money, but couldn't find it. Instead, what my eyes kept falling on was "What to read when seeking God's direction". Naaman and I have been trying to figure out the next step with our farm, but with very limited money we feel like there is little we can do. So I read the scriptures, looking for some direction from God. They all repeated the same thing. To submit your life to God and take time to worship Him, more than just once or twice a week at church. It is one thing to profess "I am a Christian", yet an entirely different thing to actually live it. We need to take time to pray. Not just talk to God about what you want or think you need, but be still and quiet and hear what He has to tell you. We need to be thankful for every little thing in our life because He has given it to you. Don't just go to Him with your worries or your troubles, but praise Him on the most beautiful of days.
I have said it many times, and maybe one of these days it will stick, but I need to live every moment with worship for God. And I want to do it on my farm and use everything that we grow or produce on this farm to praise him. But this time, when we are struggling to find the next road to take, when we aren't sure where the next paycheck is coming from, this is when we need to praise him, too.
I urge everyone, myself included, to not let situation or emotions cloud our trust in God. God is. No matter what is happening, God is. He is on the throne, He has already won, and He loves you dearly. Now as children of God, we must live like it. Don't write out a list of rules and try to follow them. But when you become a christian, Christ resides in you. You have a new nature, not one of this world. Love as Christ loves, and everything else will fall into place.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27
We’re doing a four week study on stress for bible study right now and this verse is what we focused on today! I’ll be praying for your situation! Love your blog. :)